
Research Institute of World’s Ancient Traditions Cultures and Heritage (RIWATCH)

An Affiliate Unit of ICCS-US

Book Release

News Description: 

ROING, 18 Dec: Three pictorial books under the theme ‘ iniya idu ekobe chicha ahito jichi’ (let us learn idu), compiled and published by the RIWATCH Centre for mother languages (RCML), were released by Indigenous Affairs Director Sokhep kri, former research assistant director Jatan Pulu, and Idu Mishmi Cultural and Literary Society (IMCLS) president Dr. Ista Pulu at RIWATCH here in lower dibang valley district on Monday.

kri congratulated the RCML and the RIWATCH executive director ” for bringing out the three Idu Mishmi pictorial glossary books within a short period of time, “and said that similar work should be carried out by the RCML for the Kaman Mishmi and other languages in the state, as well.

he emphasised that ” the three Mishmi communities should accept and promote the writings systems approved by the SCERT.

IMCLS president Dr. Ista Pulu in his address thanked the ” indigenous affairs department, the Northeastern Council, and the RCML “for publishng the pictorial books in Idu Mishmi for the community’s children to learn their mother tongue.”

Two research officers of the RCML – Drs M.S Awan and Kombong Darang- spoke about the research teams journey in bringing out the books. Expressing appreciation for the “active participation of Idu Mishmi community member in the book compilation process,”they said that “active support and coooperation of the studied community are highly essential in bringing out the research outcomes of the centre.”

The three pictorial glossary books include numerals, action verbs and animals and birds.