
Research Institute of World’s Ancient Traditions Cultures and Heritage (RIWATCH)

An Affiliate Unit of ICCS-US

Two Days Training on Basics of Geo-Spatial Technology held at IGGC Tezu

The Department of Geography of Indira Gandhi Govt. College Tezu organized two days training programme on Basics of Geo-Spatial Technology in collaboration with RIWATCH, Roing on 18th and 19th March, 2023. Total 21 participants including faculties from various colleges of eastern Arunachal Pradesh, researchers and students attended the program.

The very objective was to update the faculties and researchers in operating in latest Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) software designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage and present all types spatial or geographical data. The training was more of a hands on training than the lectures.

Prof. Surendra Thakurdesai, Gogate College Ratnagiri, Maharashtra and Shri Rahul Chakraborty, Director, Integrated Institute for Advanced Research and Information, (IIARI) Kolkata were the main resource persons apart from Shri Somanath Sharma, Retd. Director GSI and faculty of RIWATCH.

Speaking on the occasion Dr. M K Jana, Principal in charge of the college highlighted that Geo-Spatial Technology is vital for education and its application in various areas of our day to day life.  While Vijay Swami, Executive Director informed that we need to understand how these natural sciences of earth and astronomical objects are connected to humans. The Geo-Spatial Technology will thus throw more light on how the Himalayas are formed and shall generate lots of interest to study various aspects of Himalaya from its’ formation to present status.

Prof. Dr. Surendra Thakurdesai informed Geo-Spatial technology help all domains of life in solving real life and real time problems. Generic knowledge of any domain is essential to have good outcome to the use of tools in geo-spatial technology.  Somnath Sharma deliberated on GIS application in Natural Hazards.

An intensive hands-on training was imparted by Shri Rahul Chakraborty. He focused on GIS  components and its uses. He informed, GIS can be used in areas like environment, urban sector, natural calamites, health sector, etc. An MoU was also signed between IIARI and IGG College to further more intensive training in future too.

The program was coordinated by Dr. Abba Pulu, Asst. Professor, Geography Department, IGG Tezu. He said, this is the first ever hands-on training in the state oriented towards updating the faculties and research scholars engaged in the field of Geography, Geo-Sensing and Remote Sensing. This will be much more useful in mapping various kinds of Geo-Saptial information on natural resources of the state, bio-diversity hotspots, endangered animal population, oil and coal deposits and even creating institutional maps.